Suspending time at Hampi2007-11-052018-02-09Photography by Pratap J
Nice one..where is the light coming it light painted ? i see some faint star trails as well…btw i wonder how a BW would look with bringing out the details in the clouds..
The light was not painted. Its just ambient light – mostly coming from the halogen lamps below the hillock. This shot was taken during the Hampi Utsave, so there was a lot of ambient light around.
Yes, B&W is a good suggestion. I hadn’t thought abuot that 🙂
Very nice… Looking Good 🙂
Thanks. Worth the effort I guess. More good ones waiting to be processed 🙂
Looking forward to seeing your LE 😉
Nice one..where is the light coming it light painted ? i see some faint star trails as well…btw i wonder how a BW would look with bringing out the details in the clouds..
Hi Rakesh,
The light was not painted. Its just ambient light – mostly coming from the halogen lamps below the hillock. This shot was taken during the Hampi Utsave, so there was a lot of ambient light around.
Yes, B&W is a good suggestion. I hadn’t thought abuot that 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey! Great post. We appreciate your efforts towards travelling.